Big weight gains this week… Aaron (5lb 8oz), Asher (4lbs 13oz), Anders (3lbs)
Aaron is tentatively scheduled to come home on Saturday! He passed his car seat evaluation (sit in his car seat for one hour without having any heart rate or breathing difficulties) and he has move to un restricted feeds (eat as much as he wants).
Asher had another head ultra sound on Monday, it showed more improvement. The plan is to continue tapering down the frequency and amount of fluid in their tapping. They feel that if everything continues to go well, he could be ready to come home in the next 2-2 ½ weeks. Otherwise his bottle feedings are also going very well and he is finishing the majority of his bottles.
Anders is slowly improving and most importantly he is gaining weight. The doctors feel that his breathing difficulties will resolve themselves as he gets bigger, so we are taking it slow.
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