It’s all about weight gain this week …
Aaron continues to pack on the weight, we don’t quite know his official statistics but he is substantially heavier that Asher – our guess is around 7 1/2lbs. He has had a pretty uneventful week; the most excitement was “tummy time” where he began practicing his head lifting skills. He is getting close, but still has some more training to do before he can flip his head from side to side just yet.
Asher has also been packing on the pounds, from Monday to Friday last week he put on 10oz which now puts him way over the 6lb mark! He is an awesome sleeper and is getting better at bottling – the two easiest ways to get on the “mommy-all star” list.
Anders is also gaining weight steadily; he is now over the 4lb mark! Other big news for him is that he is now sleeping in a big boy bed (hospital crib). His breathing is also getting a lot better and they have slowly been increasing his bottling.
Asher and Anders had another eye exam this week, no increase or worsening of their condition and the doctors are hopeful as they approach their 38/40 week mark were the condition should have a major turning point as they approach full term age and development. Their condition “should” only get better after 38/40 weeks so it’s a matter of monitoring them closely until then to keep a head of any progression to treat it immediately to avoid any long term damage.
Funny story of this week… Grandma Vicki was over the other day helping out so mom could take a nap, but somehow Anders’ preemie clothes got mixed in with the new born clothes so when Grandma went to change Aaron after one of his “accidents” he got put or stuffed into a preemie outfit. Thus giving way to his new nick-name “Tank”, it was that or “Chunk” but mom thought “Tank” was more “appropriate”.
Weight update: Aaron (7lb 3oz*), Asher (6bs 5oz), Anders (4lbs 3oz)
*unofficial /undocumented weight
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