Anders hit a BIG mile-stone on this week - he was FINALLY taken off his oxygen and heart monitor! I can only imagine how much better he feels to not have something in his nose. The doctors had him hooked up to a special monitor overnight to gather his blood/oxygen saturation to make sure he was getting enough oxygen during deep sleep - according to the results he passed with "flying colors" so we set him free immediately. Anders also had a hearing re-check last week and also passed, he had failed the test in one of his ears before he was discharged, mostly due to his small size.
Below is a picture of Anders enjoying life with no cords and a little quiet time in the bouncy chair - seems to be his new favorite place to "hang-out".
The boys are getting very interactive - smiling, laughing, and playing on their floor mats. Below is a video of Asher and Aaron playing together on their floor mat.
UPDATE - the video is too large to load, so I'm going to take NEW, shorter video tomorrow ... stay tuned!
I can't wait! The boys are going to be getting so much love and so many cuddles that they're not going to know what to do!