Mom multitasking, good thing she is good at it!
Asher and Anders had surgery on October 27th to repair their hernias and Asher’s hypospadia. They were little troopers. Asher went first and was in quite a bit of pain afterwords, but we were able to make him comfortable with a little morphine. After a long snooze, the boys woke up and started eating every two hours through the night. Mom was happy to have a nurse helping feed the boys, but it still made for one long night!
The boys dressed up as sea turtles for Halloween. They didn’t mind getting dressed up and thanks to a bottle, basically slept through the entire experience. We got to go Trick-or-Treating to a couple of houses in the neighborhood with their cousins Hope and Rachael. It was funny to see people’s reactions to the boys, one person actually asked if they were babies or just part of our costume – not quite sure what they were thinking?
The Garms family (Grandma Carol, Grandpa John, Aunt Liz, and Uncle Steve) came all the way from Michigan to visit for Thanksgiving. The boys got to finally meet their Uncle Steve for the first time and had plenty of cuddles for Aunt Liz. Grandma and Grandpa got to help with bath time, but also manage to squeeze in a few cuddles too. We all ventured over to Grandma & Grandpa Berge’s for a feast on Thanksgiving Day. Although their visit was short, we had lots of fun and can’t wait to see everyone again soon!
The boys have been expanding their diet beyond oatmeal to include fruits and vegetables. We have established that peas and green beans are their least favorite, but they will eat just about anything as long as fruit is mixed in. We are getting better and better at eating from a spoon – the best indication of this is the fact that there is now more food going in their mouths than on their face and clothes. Asher is a stinker when it comes to eating because he has this habit of whipping his face on your shirt between bites. Anders is very assertive when he eats; smacking the spoon out of your hand to sticking his tongue out like a lizard so you can’t get a spoon in his mouth. Dad has taken it upon himself to start making the boy’s food himself. It is surprisingly less work than we thought and it not only saves us money but the boys like the vegetables more.
The boys are growing like weeds. They are all in 9 month sized sleepers – it’s often seems mom is goldilocks and the boys are the three bears. Aaron is always a little too big for his clothes, he also eats his porridge (milk) cold, Asher often fits “just right” in clothes and east his porridge warm, and Anders is always a little too small and requires hi s porridge to be hot but not too hot.
Aaron is now about 17 ½ lbs at about 28 inches long. Asher is about 16 ½ lbs and 27 inches long. Anders is 12 ½ lbs and 26 inches long. They are definitely tall but skinny.
All three boys now enjoy jumping in their jumperoos. We have called Aaron’s jumper his office as he likes to swivel the chair around and concentrate on the toys. Asher and Anders are wild men in their chairs. They bounce up, down, to the left, to the right – they are all over the place and even try to jump when they are out of their chairs.
Aaron is super interactive right now. He watches the dogs, smiles at them, and tries to pet them whenever he can. He is also very interested in his toes, he eats them and plays with them as much as he can – whether he is on the changing table or in his bumbo seat they are always a source of entertainment.
Asher is our “Mr. Wiggles” he is constantly kicking his feet and either scooting around in his crib or on the floor.
Ander is also a mover, but we think he is part cricket. He is constantly moving his feet and rubbing them together. If he is not rubbing them together then he is trying to grab them. He loves to laugh and can put a smile on your face no matter what kind of mood you are in.
The boys are beginning to realize that they are not alone. We often find them staring at each other. Their response is still inconsistent as it ranges from who are you, what are you, where did you come from, to smiles and chatter. They are grabbing each other’s toys and nukes, hands and feet – I even think sometimes they are talking to each other planning grand schemes against mom and dad. We are clearly aware that this is just the beginning. The other day Asher took Aaron’s toy out of his hands and Aaron cried until I have him a new one. Asher and Anders were lying on the floor and Asher started kicking Anders in the face. As they say, let the games begin!
They are getting soooooooo big! They are also very cute little boys! I'll never forget you telling me about these little men about a year or so ago! Look where you are now! Very happy for you guys!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and have a great holiday!