Another rough day for Asher, or “Ash-man” as Dad likes to call him.
Asher’s head ultra sound showed substantial swelling and was evaluated by a neuro surgeon. Although he has substantial swelling, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of pressure build-up. The surgeons decided to conduct another ultra sound on Monday and prepare for surgery. The current plan is to create a reservoir to divert the extra fluid out of the brain to reduce the swelling. The hope is that as long as the swelling is reduced, hopefully the clotting caused by the bleed will resolve itself.
He also had a slight “fever” and an accelerated heart rate so they are running more tests to make sure he doesn’t have an infection anywhere, but in the meantime they have given him antibiotics. He was also on morphine for the past week, so another possibility is that he is agitated as he had been taken off of them. They have given him a small dose of morphine and with the antibiotics; he seems to be responding positively.
Although he had a rough day, his breathing continues to get stronger and his feedings continue to increase in amount & fortification.
The other two, Aaron and Anders, continue to do really well. They have increased Ander’s feeding substantially this week from 1ML/HR to 4+ML/HR – we can’t wait until he starts packing on weight!
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