Tuesday, April 13, 2010

They boys have taken a break from tanning today.

Asher and Anders both had an echocardiogram to check for a possible heart murmur, Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a condition in which the connecting blood vessel between the pulmonary artery and the aorta in fetal circulation, called the ductus arteriosus, stays open in a newborn baby.

It’s very common for preemies to have this condition. In premature babies, an aspirin-type drug called indomethacin is often given. Indomethacin has been shown to be very effective in causing the PDA to close. They aren’t very concerned, but we’ll keep you updated.

As they were giving Anders the echocardiogram, the technician came over to his nurse and said that he was a little boxer and needed her help holding his hands down.

Asher has been very stable today and they think they found the source of his discomfort and stress. They think that his chest tube is causing him some pain with the type of respirator he is on as it vibrates quickly and might be jostling the chest tube. His nurse last night decided to keep him on a steady dose of pain medication and it seems to have resolved his fits of distress. They are hoping they can remove the chest tube and ventilator in the next couple of days.

Aaron continues to breathe well with little assistance and looks forward to being held by daddy tonight.

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